I saw this chanel purse on the internet, it looked easy to make so I made one haha.  Here are the pictures and the tutorial..



忘了在那還看到韓國人做的cuggi 勒 (等下次看到再po)




Here are some instructions!

Print out a logo (chanel, whatever u want) then cut it out, pin it on some fabric and cut it out again.

I used pink and black broadcloth, i used fleece to make the puse look quilted and puffy.

Here's my patter..i taped pieces of rectangular paper together then pinned in onto the fabrics.

The fabrics after cutting.

Arrange the fabrics on top of each other, then pin together.  Cut out long black straps.

Here's how i arranged the fabrics, the pink fabrics sandwich the black fabric, then they go on top of the fleece.

Sew the straps (choose your width)

Take off the first pink layer, pin the black straps to the black fabric. Then place the pink fabric back on top. Then sew the top of the bag.

Flip the fabrics around and then the straps should stick out. Then pin the sides together and sew them.

Sewing the sides..

Serge or zig zag stitch the sides so they won't fray.

Here's the hard part...Quilting the bag! To make the squares even you should use a ruler, then draw lines on the back of the pink fabric..don't worry the lines won't show up because the black fabric cover the drawn lines! (I used chalk)

Sew along the lines..once your finished sewing draw lines on the other half of the bag (you don't have to quilt the other half of the bag if you don't want to!)

Here's a picture of the bag so far, I quilted both sides of the bag, then I finally sewed down the BLACK fabric to the pink fabric (so you won't see the drawn lines!)


Here's the fun part..Sewing on the LOGO!

Decide where you want the logo..then pin it onto the bag

Close up of the logo

Sew the logo on


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